Welcome Sugaring to Bare Affair

Starting October 1st you will find a new method of hair removal at Bare Affair!!

We are excited to announce and welcome our newest hair removing perfectionist - Brianne to our hair removing team! 

Brianne specials in a new technique to Bare Affair called sugaring. Although sugaring is new to Bare Affair it is a product and technique that has been around since the ancient Egyptian days and used by Cleopatra herself to stay smooth and hairless back in the day in hot Egyptian climates!  This proves the desire for hairlessness has been around for centuries!  

Brianne is super passionate about her technique and has a great personality. This is a great combination for an amazing bond between you and your future hair removal specialist.

Nichole has been convinced by Brianne that this technique is a must-add to our hair removing specialities. Sugaring is beneficial in some ways that waxing just cannot compare to, this technique is going to be a favourite to any of our clients who just 'cannot wait' for the hair growth between being stubbly like a porcupine to having soft relaxed hairs as required with waxing.

To be perfectly honest, there is no perfect way to get rid of unwanted hair. Shaving doesn't last quite long enough, depilatories are hit or miss, and waxing hurts like hell (until you get used to it) but if there were anything close to an ideal way to remove hair, sugaring just might be it.  The most magnificent part about sugaring is the hair is only required to be half the length it is to be waxed!
Read on to learn everything you need to know about sugaring.
According to the "Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History," the practice of sugaring originated in ancient times in the Middle East. It involves cooking up a special blend of a sticky gel-like paste made from a special concoction of sugar, lemon juice, and water, and using it similarly to how wax is used for hair removal—only the paste is organic, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic. This sweet substance removes the hair from the root without sticking to or pulling at your delicate live skin cells, so it tends to be gentler than waxing. Sugaring is taking it back to the basics of the ancients civilisations. Ah, the ancients—they've always known how to do the things so many of us perceive to be modern innovations, haven't they?
WHERE: Sugaring can be done anywhere from your eyebrows to your bikini area to your legs. 
HOW: So, how does it work? With gloved hands, an esthetician spreads the warm sugar paste onto the skin in the opposite direction of hair growth. After letting it harden for a few seconds, they will then pull it off in the direction of the hair growth. They use the same ball of sugar paste until it's no longer grabbing the hair.
END RESULT: Smooth, hairless skin, which lasts for three to five weeks.

The Pros and Cons of Sugaring

It is only really a matter of personal preference when it comes to sugaring vs. waxing.  Read below some of the pros and cons of sugaring so you can decide if it's worth a try for you.
  • An experienced esthetician can do sugaring quickly—faster than waxing. Since the sugar can be applied to a large area, more hair can be removed at once.
  • The sugar is water-soluble, meaning you can clean off any residue left on the skin with plain water. Wax is not water-soluble, so it needs an oil-based remover to get rid of all traces.
  • Sugar paste is very gentle and can be put right over an area that was just sugared without fear of much irritation. This makes it easier to go over an area again where hair was missed.
  • Over time, frequent sugaring can cause the hair follicle to become damaged and stop growing hair.
  • If you make it yourself, getting the right consistency can be tricky; it involves some trial and error.
  • You need about bout an eighth- or a quarter-inch of hair growth in order for the sugar to be able to catch the hairs. Just like with waxing, you'll have to be OK with a little fuzz in between appointments.
  • You should not have sugaring done if any of the following apply: you're using retinol or vitamin C on your skin; you're taking steroids; you're using Accutane; you have bruising, swelling, rashes, open sores, a sunburn, or cold sores.

Does It Hurt?

Sugaring doesn't not hurt, per se.
But many people do find it less painful than waxing. As mentioned, the sugar paste doesn't stick live skin cells like wax does, so that alone means it has less irritation. However, if you're transitioning from shaving to sugaring, you will likely find it more painful than someone who's been waxed before. Over time, the procedure will be less painful, as your hair growth becomes finer the more you remove hair by the root and force it to regrow from starting phases after removing the entire hair from the hair follicle.


In order to avoid ingrown hairs treat your skin simular to waxing aftercare, post-sugaring you should be gentile with your freshly de-fuzzed skin. Refrain from working out, taking hot baths—and if you've sugared the bikini area, having sex—for a couple of days so that you don't create a buildup of sweat, which can lead to ingrowns, wait minimum 24 hours for all above sweaty activities (for both waxing and sugaring)!

MOISTURIZEMoisturize, moisturize, moisturize.  I cannot stress more than anything how important it is to have healthy, hydrated skin to keep ingrowns at bay.  Living in a northern climate means we can moisturize morning and night and your skin will still benefit!  Moisturizing is a daily task.  If you feel you have 'itchy skin' post sugaring (or waxing - or anytime really) it's your skin screaming at you telling you to MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN MORE! 
EXFOLIATEExfoliate OFTEN! At least 2-3 few times a week with a body scrub or a chemical exfoliant (like Hovan's Bikini Saver) remove dead skin cells that can clog your pores. 

Do You Like?? And if you like the results, go ahead and book your next appointment for about three to five weeks out.
